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MICROBE LIFT - Special Blend (Salt and Fresh Water Bacterial Starter and Maintenance)

MICROBE LIFT - Special Blend (Salt and Fresh Water Bacterial Starter and Maintenance)

Regular price $24.80 SGD
Regular price Sale price $24.80 SGD
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Special blend is a specially formulated consortium of bacteria designed to
create a stable biological system in fresh and saltwater aquariums.

  • Breaks down organic waste so water is cleaner and clearer with reduced odors
  • Improves growth and nutrient uptake in plants and corals. Safe for fresh and salt water tanks.
  • Special Blend is all natural & contains live bacteria cultures for a balanced aquarium.

Biologically reduces nitrates, breakes down excessive proteins & aids in the reduction of ammonia & nitrates.


It is important to make sure you condition your water before adding Special Blend, to make sure there is no chlorine or chloramine present. This can be accomplished by using a water conditioner like Microbe Lift Xtreme to remove chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, and todotoxify heavy metals in your water.



Add Special Blend according to the recommended dosage on the box. If this is a new aquarium, add the Special Blend when you introduce fish.



Add Microbe Lift Nite Out II in order to finish balancing your biological filter. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule for the Special Blend in order to keep your water quality at its best. When used together, Special Blend and Nite Out II can cycle an aquarium in as little as 24 hours.

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